Lost Place Atmospheres 001 by Sascha Ende

مظلم وغامض، يتميز بطائرات بدون طيار واسعة النطاق تخلق جوًا ينذر بالخطر.

Lost Place Atmospheres 001
Lost Place Atmospheres 001
صنع يدوي
مظلم وغامض، يتميز بطائرات بدون طيار واسعة النطاق تخلق جوًا ينذر بالخطر.
00:00 /  08:37
انقر هنا
69 BPM
I've heard my music in so many Lostplace videos that I thought to myself: I'll make a series with background atmospheres especially for you Urbexers. Here it is now. Small tip: Just play a little with the volume in your video to control the tension.



4/4 contemporary 69bpm dbMajor

22 Tags

ambient creepy danger dark eerie evil fear ghostly gloomy horror meditation menacing mysterious ominous scare scary sinister spooky suspense tense terrifying thriller
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