Relaxing Lofi - Deca by Sascha Ende

blažená, snová elektronická hudba s pomalými rytmy, třpytivými syntezátory a jemnými ženskými vokály.

I have programmed a new AI and am currently working on modernizing and restructuring genres, topics, moods and tags. BPM will be replaced by “perceived speed”. Keys will be removed. The keyword search will also soon be extended to tags. There will also be an A.I. “Review” and a quality rating for each song. All music will soon be re-categorized. When I'm done with that, there will be new music again :)
Relaxing Lofi - Deca
blažená, snová elektronická hudba s pomalými rytmy, třpytivými syntezátory a jemnými ženskými vokály.
00:00 /  05:06
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171 BPM



4/4 contemporary 171bpm dbMajor

21 Tags

calm chilled contemplative dreamy gentle laid back lo-fi love mellow peaceful reflective relaxed romance romantic sentimental smooth soft tender thoughtful touching tranquil
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