Electric Dubstep Violin 1 by Sascha Ende

меланхоличен - хипнотичен електро с плаващи и игриви синтезатори, както и грууви бийт.

Electric Dubstep Violin 1
меланхоличен - хипнотичен електро с плаващи и игриви синтезатори, както и грууви бийт.
00:00 /  03:00
Кликни тук
140 BPM
In a mystical fusion of classical elegance and modern intensity, "Electric Dubstep Violin 1" delivers a sonic experience where the ethereal beauty of the violin dances seamlessly with the powerful beats of dubstep. The haunting melody, played with a delicate touch, weaves through a landscape of pulsating bass and electrifying rhythms, creating a track that is both otherworldly and invigorating. A musical journey that transcends time, blending the ancient with the future.



4/4 contemporary 140bpm bMinor

22 Tags

affecting contemplative dreamy emotional feeling hopeful melancholic melodious motivating optimistic passionate pop positive reflective romance sentimental soulful tender thoughtful touching upbeat violin
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