Lonely Fish by Sascha Ende

een dromerig en emotioneel orkestraler hybride nummer met piano.

Lonely Fish
Lonely Fish
Lonely Fish
een dromerig en emotioneel orkestraler hybride nummer met piano.
00:00 /  03:24
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80 BPM
My wife recently took this photo and when I saw this fish so lonely, I was somehow sad. I have no idea why, but suddenly I had a melody in my ear again and so this dreamy, slightly depressive piece of music with piano, cello, strings, a beautiful choir and a light acoustic guitar came into being. And all this just because of a fish. Since I didn't know what the fish's name was, I just called the song "Lonely Fish". But maybe it's called Kevin - or Jennifer - you don't know.



4/4 late 2000s / contemporary 80bpm dMajor

22 Tags

ambient calm contemplative dreamy emotional feeling gentle hopeful introspective mellow neo-classical peaceful pensive reflective relaxed sentimental smooth soft tender thoughtful touching tranquil
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