God's Earthly Journey by Sascha Ende


God's Earthly Journey
00:00 /  05:26
  • 00:06 : Opening with gentle piano chords and string pads, establishing a melancholic and reflective mood.
  • 00:12 : Vocal entry, sincere and emotive, carrying the narrative of the song.
  • 02:45 : Dynamic build-up section with increased intensity in strings and percussion, adding dramatic weight.
  • 03:57 : Return to a more intimate and reflective section, highlighting the piano and vocals again.
  • 04:53 : Final reflective outro with piano and strings fading out, leaving a lingering emotional resonance.
choir, male

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Additional Information

This song describes God descending to Earth out of curiosity and finding himself without memories of heaven. He awakens in a strange place, grappling with questions of identity and belonging. Discovering he has magical powers, he uses them to help and heal people, gradually realizing his purpose. Despite regaining memories of his divine origin, he chooses to remain on Earth to continue spreading love and hope among humans. The song portrays God as a humble, compassionate presence in the world, dedicated to making it a better place.


[Verse 1]
God looked down upon the Earth, with a curious mind,
Thought, "I’ll take a little trip, see what I can find."
In a blaze of light, he descended from the sky,
But a twist of fate awaited, in the blink of an eye.

Who am I, where do I belong?
In this world so vast, am I right or wrong?
With powers so strange, like a forgotten dream,
I’ll find my way, in this earthly scene.

[Verse 2]
He woke up in a room, with a sterile glow,
Faces full of questions, no one seemed to know.
With no memories of heaven, or where he had been,
Just a whisper of magic, starting to be seen.

Who am I, where do I belong?
In this world so vast, am I right or wrong?
With powers so strange, like a forgotten dream,
I’ll find my way, in this earthly scene.

Floating objects, miracles at hand,
A glimpse of his divinity, trying to understand.
In the hearts of strangers, he saw their silent cries,
And felt a calling, beneath the earthly skies.

[Verse 3]
He used his gifts to heal, to mend and to restore,
Brought hope to the hopeless, opened every door.
Through his acts of kindness, his purpose became clear,
A God among the people, spreading love and cheer.

Who am I, where do I belong?
In this world so vast, am I right or wrong?
With powers so strange, like a forgotten dream,
I’ll find my way, in this earthly scene.

[Verse 4]
Then one day, a spark, a memory ignites,
The truth of his existence, the celestial lights.
But now he loves the Earth, the lives he’s touched and seen,
Decides to stay among them, where his heart has been.

Who am I, where do I belong?
In this world so vast, am I right or wrong?
With powers so strange, like a forgotten dream,
I’ve found my way, in this earthly scene.

God walks among us, in humble human guise,
A beacon of hope, in our searching eyes.
He chose to stay, in the world so wide,
Spreading love and wonder, with every stride.
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