Sascha Ende Velkommen til min private hjemmeside ENDE.APP (tidligere, som jeg har drevet siden 2011. Jeg er Sascha Ende, og dette er ikke kun mit livsværk, men sandsynligvis også din bedste kilde til gratis musik til dine videoer, film, podcasts, spil, arrangementer og alt andet. Jeg er en programmør specialiseret i A.I. og producerer indimellem også håndlavet musik med mit keyboard. Jeg undgår bevidst reklamer eller indsamling af unødvendige personlige data, da denne hjemmeside også bruges af mange lærere, skoler, universiteter og børn - fra over 80 lande rundt om i verden dagligt. Jeg ønsker dig meget sjov med resultaterne af min hobby, lav noget fantastisk med det og vær sød :)
SIDEN 2011

Siden 2011 har jeg dedikeret min fritid til musikproduktion. Siden 2023 har jeg også brugt støtte fra kunstig intelligens. Jeg registrerer IKKE min musik i Content ID-systemer som YouTube.


Da musik for mig kun er en hobby, tilbyder jeg alle mine værker gratis. Hvis du alligevel ønsker at give noget tilbage, kan du donere til en velgørende organisation efter eget valg. Du kan finde flere oplysninger i ofte stillede spørgsmål.

CC BY 4.0

Helt ubekymret: Alle mine musikstykker er udgivet under den kendte og meget åbne CC BY 4.0-licens.


Navngivningen er frivillig - for alle mine værker. Hvis omstændighederne ikke tillader det, eller en nævnelse er umulig, kan det undlades.

469 besøgende online

Nyeste musik

Søgeresultater: Nyudgivet musik
Saloon dance [Western Series] NY
Legende og opløftende instrumentalstykke, der fremkalder klassiske western saloon-vibes. Indeholder livlige banjo- og harmonikamelodier, perfekt til lette scener, animationer eller komisk indhold.
00:00 /  02:44
Klik her
  • 00:00 : Immediate upbeat banjo intro establishing the Western saloon atmosphere.
  • 00:08 : Harmonica melody enters, adding a distinctive and playful character.
  • 01:17 : Slight dynamic lift and variation in the banjo rhythm, adding subtle interest.
  • 02:25 : Brief harmonica flourish before the final outro, maintaining the lighthearted feel.
Johnnie Walker [Western Series] NY
Opmuntrende og legende countryinstrumental med livlige fiddlemelodier, akustiske guitarer og banjo. Skaber en solrig, eventyrlig og let nostalgisk atmosfære. Ideel til western-tema medier, rejseindhold og lette scener.
00:00 /  02:44
Klik her
  • 00:00 : Catchy and bright fiddle melody intro immediately establishes the Western/country vibe.
  • 00:12 : Entry of acoustic guitar and banjo, adding rhythmic and harmonic depth to the arrangement.
  • 00:37 : Playful 'Yeehaw!' vocal sample injection, enhancing the lighthearted Western feel.
  • 01:07 : Instrumental break featuring a more prominent and driving fiddle melody section.
  • 02:13 : Another instrumental break, maintaining the energetic and upbeat mood to the end.
Sascha Is Back NY
Sascha Is Back
Atmosfærisk og cinematisk nummer med udviklende synth-teksturer og frodige strygere. Opbygger spænding med effektfuld percussion og kor, ideel til dramatiske scener og spændingsfyldte øjeblikke.
00:00 /  04:07
Klik her
  • 00:11 : Ethereal synth pad intro establishes a spacious and atmospheric mood.
  • 00:24 : Strings enter, adding warmth and harmonic richness to the texture.
  • 00:48 : Subtle rhythmic elements begin to introduce a sense of forward motion.
  • 01:05 : Powerful percussion enters, dramatically increasing the energy and drive.
  • 02:00 : Choir swells in, adding a grand and epic feel to the cinematic build-up.
  • 02:48 : Breakdown section with sustained synth pads, creating a moment of reflection before the final build.
  • 03:11 : Return of the choir and percussion, driving the track towards its climax.
Chill VLOG Beats 6 NY
Chill VLOG Beats 6
Afslappet og blød instrumentalnummer med varme synth-pads og subtile, rytmiske trommer. Perfekt til at skabe en afslappet atmosfære i vlogs, podcasts eller baggrundsmiljøer.
00:00 /  02:49
Klik her
  • 00:00 : Gentle synth pad intro establishes the relaxed and warm atmosphere immediately.
  • 00:12 : Subtle bassline enters, adding a foundational groove without overpowering the chill vibe.
  • 01:04 : Melody subtly evolves with a slight change in the synth pad sound, providing gentle variation.
  • 02:30 : Smooth and gradual fade-out outro, ensuring a natural and unobtrusive ending.
Chill VLOG Beats 5
Chill VLOG Beats 5
Afslappet og roligt instrumentalnummer med blide klaverakkorder, subtile synth-teksturer og et blødt, underspillet beat. Ideel til afslappede vlogs, livsstilsindhold eller eftertænksomme øjeblikke.
00:00 /  02:54
Klik her
  • 00:00 : Soft piano chords and ambient pads establish a relaxed and gentle atmosphere from the very start.
  • 00:19 : The subtle, understated drum beat enters, providing a gentle rhythmic foundation without being intrusive.
  • 01:04 : A slightly more pronounced synth element enters, adding a touch of melodic colour and variation to the texture.
Chill VLOG Beats 4
Chill VLOG Beats 4
Blød, afslappet instrumentalmusik med blidt klaver, afdæmpede synthesizere og subtile hiphop-trommer. Perfekt til afslappede vlogs, livsstilsindhold og chill baggrundsmusik.
00:00 /  02:35
Klik her
  • 00:09 : Intro begins with a simple, repeating piano chord progression, establishing the chill, relaxed mood.
  • 00:20 : Subtle, warm bassline enters, grounding the track and adding depth to the low end.
  • 00:31 : Clean, understated drum beat comes in, solidifying the groove and providing a gentle rhythm.
  • 01:29 : A slightly more pronounced synth pad texture enters, adding a touch of subtle variation to the harmonic background.
Chill VLOG Beats 3
Chill VLOG Beats 3
Afslappet og afdæmpet instrumentalnummer med et groovy, underspillet beat, varme synth-pads og subtile melodiske elementer. Ideel til afslappede vlogs, livsstilsindhold og chill baggrundsmusik.
00:00 /  02:12
Klik her
  • 00:07 : Intro establishes the chill vibe with soft synth chords and a simple shaker rhythm.
  • 00:18 : Drums and bass enter, solidifying the groove and adding a subtle energy.
  • 01:05 : Slight variation in the melody and instrumentation keeps it interesting without drastic changes.
Chill VLOG Beats 2
Chill VLOG Beats 2
Afslappende og mildt instrumentalt stykke med blide klavermelodier, bløde synth-teksturer og et subtilt, groovy beat. Ideel til rolige baggrunde, livsstilsindhold eller eftertænksomme øjeblikke.
00:00 /  02:12
Klik her
  • 00:08 : Entry of the main piano melody, establishing the core chill and relaxed mood of the track.
  • 00:11 : Introduction of the soft, atmospheric synth pads that add depth and texture to the soundscape.
  • 00:29 : Subtle rhythmic variations in the percussion, keeping the groove engaging without being intrusive.
  • 01:22 : Breakdown section with a slightly sparser arrangement, creating a moment of subtle dynamic contrast before the track gently builds again.
Chill VLOG Beats 1
Chill VLOG Beats 1
Afslappende og blød instrumentalnummer med varme klavermelodier, bløde synth-pads og lette, diskrete trommer. Ideel til afslappede vlogs, livsstilsindhold eller beroligende baggrundsmusik.
00:00 /  03:15
Klik her
  • 00:05 : Gentle piano melody starts, establishing the main theme and relaxed mood.
  • 00:16 : Soft synth pads enter, adding warmth and atmosphere to the soundscape.
  • 00:30 : Subtle drums kick in, providing a gentle rhythmic foundation without overpowering the mellow vibe.
  • 01:21 : Slight variation in the piano melody, adding a touch of progression.
  • 02:27 : Brief pause before the track continues, creating a subtle dynamic shift.
We Are One Planet
We Are One Planet
Opløftende og hymneagtigt rocknummer med et positivt budskab. Indeholder drivende trommer, fængende guitar riffs og seriøs mandlig vokal, hvilket skaber en feel-good og motiverende atmosfære.
00:00 /  04:30
Klik her
  • 00:09 : Vocal entry and immediate establishment of the main melodic theme and positive message.
  • 00:33 : Chorus section hits with stronger rhythmic drive and anthemic feel, showcasing the song's core energy.
  • 01:06 : Instrumental break featuring a catchy guitar riff, providing a dynamic shift and instrumental hook.
  • 02:50 : Bridge section introduces slight variation in the arrangement, adding a touch of dynamic contrast before returning to the chorus.
Europe Rising
Europe Rising
Kraftfuldt og dramatisk filmisk nummer med svævende strygere, drivende percussion og æteriske vokaler, perfekt til episke scener og virkningsfuld historiefortælling.
00:00 /  02:44
Klik her
  • 00:04 : Opening with sustained, evolving synth pads and subtle percussive elements, establishing a mysterious and expectant atmosphere.
  • 00:37 : Entry of female vocals and choir, adding a dramatic and ethereal layer to the texture.
  • 01:05 : Powerful orchestral percussion enters, driving the track forward with increased intensity and creating a sense of urgency.
  • 01:59 : Return of prominent female vocals, now more anthemic and soaring, reinforcing the epic and uplifting mood.
choir, female
Greece Vol. 2 [Travel Series]
Varmt og indbydende akustisk stykke med blid fingerstyle guitar. Fremkalder en følelse af fredfyldt udforskning og rolige landskaber. Ideel til rejseindhold, naturdokumentarer eller reflekterende historiefortælling.
00:00 /  02:44
Klik her
  • 00:00 : Gentle fingerstyle acoustic guitar intro establishes a warm and inviting atmosphere.
  • 00:11 : Harmonies build, adding a layer of richness and depth to the main melody.
  • 01:15 : Slightly more dynamic section with a subtly varied guitar arrangement, maintaining interest.
Happy Beats & Business Moves Vol. 11
Opmuntrende og positivt instrumentalt nummer med lyse synthesizere, drivende trommer og en ren, moderne lyd. Ideel til virksomhedsvideoer, tekniske præsentationer eller ethvert medie, der har brug for en optimistisk og energisk baggrund.
00:00 /  01:28
Klik her
  • 00:00 : Intro with evolving synth pads, establishing a bright and optimistic atmosphere.
  • 00:17 : Driving drums and rhythmic synth bass enter, adding energy and momentum.
  • 00:33 : Breakdown section with a slightly more spacious feel before the energy builds again.
  • 01:05 : Return of the main driving rhythm and synth melody to close out the track.
Greece Vol. 1 [Travel Series]
Opløftende akustisk stykke med traditionelle middelhavsstrenginstrumenter, der fremkalder solrige, ubekymrede rejsevibes. Perfekt til dokumentarfilm, livsstilsindhold eller rejsevlogs.
00:00 /  02:44
Klik her
  • 00:05 : Main melodic theme introduced, showcasing the bright and cheerful character of the piece.
  • 00:28 : Slight variation in the melody, adding a touch of nuance while maintaining the core vibe.
  • 01:05 : Subtle rhythmic guitar joins, enhancing the groove and adding to the organic texture.
  • 01:47 : Section with slightly more prominent rhythmic elements, providing gentle dynamic shift.
Rock Trailer
Rock Trailer
Energisk og medrivende instrumental rocknummer med en stærk filmisk kant, perfekt til actionfyldte trailere, intense sportsmontager eller dramatiske videospilsekvenser.
00:00 /  00:59
Klik her
  • 00:00 : Immediate powerful guitar riff and drum intro, establishing high energy from the start.
  • 00:11 : Slight rhythmic variation in the guitar riff, adding a subtle dynamic change before returning to the main theme.
  • 00:26 : Breakdown section with a more open and spacious feel, creating a brief moment of contrast before building back up.
  • 00:38 : Return of the full driving rhythm and guitar riff, re-establishing the track's core energy.
  • 00:50 : Final powerful push with sustained guitar chords and cymbal crashes, ending with a strong fade out.

Kommer snart

Nye sange udgives altid kl. 18 dansk tid.


Et tak er mere værd end penge. Eller har du et musikønske til nye sange? Her kan du poste ønsker, hilsener eller feedback i min gæstebog!

En hjemmeside skal altid begynde med https eller http. Det kan også være linket til din sociale medieprofil eller din Vimeo-kanal.
Din besked kan indeholde op til 1500 tegn.
  • Carsten ( United States of America )
    25.03.2025 22:39
    Genz herzlichen Dank für diese wunderbaren Soundtracks, die ich für meine zukünftigen Buchtrailer verwenden werde. Dicht, atmosphärisch und sensibel zusammengestellt. Und viele davon emotional berührend. Danke, danke, dass ich sie verwenden darf. Liebe Grüße Carsten
  • Michał ( Poland )
    25.03.2025 20:37
    Serdecznie dziękuję za możliwość korzystania z Twojej muzyki, mam tutaj naprawdę swoje ulubione utwory. Dziękuję serdecznie
  • Jerzy ( Poland )
    25.03.2025 19:12
    Bardzo dziękuję za możliwość skorzystania z tej muzyki. Jej dramatyzm ożywia moje statyczne i przegadane obrazy. Postaram się, w najbliższym czasie przesłać link do filmu, w którym wykorzystałem kilka utworów z tej, jakże bogatej, biblioteki. Łączę wyrazy szacunku. Jerzy Pilch
  • GUEST ( Canada )
    25.03.2025 14:55
    Thank you for your wonderful music and kindness....
  • GUEST ( United States of America )
    25.03.2025 13:32
    Thank you for your amazing music!
  • ML ( United States of America )
    25.03.2025 07:43
    Wow! Your music is very inspiring and you obviously have incredible talent. Thank you so much for making your great music available!
  • D. Quinn ( United States of America )
    25.03.2025 07:02
    Like everyone else here, I'm thankful you created this resource for so many creators to use, and I can only imagine the headaches it's caused over the years. I do have a general question though: having read your FAQ, I realize you don't have the time to deal with licensing issues. However, the music you share here is supposed to be licensed under CC 4.0. It would seem that some creators have removed their music from your archive, and are now going after those of us who used tracks and properly attributed them prior to that removal. Because the tracks are no longer on this site, and the license is a general CC 4.0 license, there's no way to prove that the creator originally licensed the work here for us to use. Incidentally, I dealt with a lawsuit where a photographer did a similar thing (seeded their work in Flickr, marked it as CC, and then tried to sue me for using it under those terms). I was thankfully able to fend them off with a pro bono lawyer. Have you encountered this behavior on the creators who submitted work here before? Do you keep a record of what music was licensed here and then later removed? Would love your insight and can share my email.
    Sascha Ende:

    Thanks for your message. Yes, all tracks were originally shared under CC 4.0, and I don’t get involved in licensing disputes. If a creator later removes their music or changes terms, that’s something they need to resolve directly with users—not with me. I don’t keep public records of removed tracks, but licenses valid at the time of use remain valid under CC. This is exactly why only my own music remains here: no one wants to work for free answering questions about other artists’ music.

  • Pierre ( France )
    25.03.2025 05:34
    Merci pour les musique, je sais quel travail ca represente, a bientot
  • GUEST ( French Polynesia )
    24.03.2025 21:54
    Merci Très joli morceau!
  • GUEST ( United States of America )
    24.03.2025 20:33
    Thank you! You're a lifesaver to small creators like myself. :) MAY YOU BE BLESSED over and above anything you could ask or think!
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