Nove pesmi so objavljene ob 18. uri po nemškem času.
Hvaležnost pomeni več kot denar. Imaš glasbeno željo za nove pesmi? Tukaj v moji knjigi gostov lahko objaviš želje, pozdrave ali povratne informacije!
Sorry, I'm married :D (thanks)
Why only some, why not everything? :D
Thank you for your guestbook entry. I would like to point out that I have never composed a song titled "A Sad Day". This is most likely the work of another artist. On my website, you will only find music created by me, Sascha Ende. If you truly attributed the artist correctly under the Creative Commons license, you should know the name of the actual creator. I strongly recommend reaching out to the relevant artist to resolve the issue instead of making unfounded accusations in my guestbook. Anyway, a "claim" is not the same as a "copyright strike" – and this happens quite often due to YouTube's flawed algorithm, which affects all kinds of music. I also need to defend other artists here, as such claims are often neither their intention nor initiated by them.