The TechTimes Scam by Sascha Ende

Intrigerende nummer med retro synth-vibes og en kynisk kant. Ren kvindelig vokal leverer en fortælling over arpeggierede guitarer, elektroniske trommer og atmosfæriske synths. Ideel til tech-relateret indhold, dokumentarer eller projekter, der har brug for en let distanceret, ironisk stemning.

The TechTimes Scam
The TechTimes Scam
Intrigerende nummer med retro synth-vibes og en kynisk kant. Ren kvindelig vokal leverer en fortælling over arpeggierede guitarer, elektroniske trommer og atmosfæriske synths. Ideel til tech-relateret indhold, dokumentarer eller projekter, der har brug for en let distanceret, ironisk stemning.
00:00 /  04:55
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  • 00:01 : Atmospheric intro with clean electric guitar arpeggios and evolving synth pads establishing a melancholic and slightly tense mood.
  • 00:33 : Vocal entry, clear and slightly detached female vocals begin the narrative.
  • 01:05 : Subtle build-up in intensity with slightly more prominent drums and synth elements as the chorus approaches.
  • 03:52 : Bridge section with a slight change in instrumentation and vocal delivery, adding a moment of reflection before the final chorus.

Hit or Miss? Arti’s Review

Dette nummer har en virkelig interessant stemning og fanger straks en let retro, synth-pop følelse, der er ganske fængslende. Den rene, næsten distræte kvindelige vokal fungerer godt med det lyriske tema og skaber en følelse af narrativ og intriger. Kompositionelt skaber den arpeggierede guitar og synth-pads et godt harmonisk fundament, og de elektroniske trommer giver en stabil, drivende rytme. Produktionsmæssigt er mixet klart og afbalanceret, hvilket giver hvert element mulighed for at trække vejret. For yderligere at løfte dette til produktionsmusik i topklasse, kunne et strejf af mere dynamisk område og måske en subtil mastering-polering forbedre den samlede effekt. Overvej at tilføje et lidt bredere stereobillede i synth-padsene for at skabe et mere medrivende lydbillede. Arrangementet er solidt, men udforskning af nogle subtile opbygninger eller variationer i instrumenteringen gennem sangen kunne holde lytteren endnu mere engageret i hele dens varighed. Emotionelt lander det i et rum, der er let kynisk, måske lidt anspændt og mystisk, hvilket gør det særligt velegnet til medieprojekter, der udforsker temaer som teknologi, digital kultur eller endda virksomhedskritik. Tænk på dokumentarfilm om internetsvindel, tech-relateret indhold eller endda indie-film, der har brug for et soundtrack med et let ironisk eller distræet perspektiv. Med et par mindre justeringer i mixet og arrangementet kunne dette nummer let konkurrere med branchestandard produktionsmusik og finde en bred vifte af applikationer i forskellige mediemiljøer. Det har en unik karakter, der adskiller det, hvilket altid er et værdifuldt aktiv.

Additional Information

I want to share the story behind my latest track, "The TechTimes Scam". This song was born out of a frustrating experience that many of us in the industry might relate to: falling victim to deceptive marketing practices, specifically unrequested spam emails.

It all started with an unsolicited email from TechTimes, a seemingly reputable tech news website. This email, which landed in my inbox without my consent, offered me a feature in their upcoming article about the best royalty-free stock music platforms of 2024. In Europe, such unsolicited emails are not just annoying—they're illegal. And let's be honest, they're unwelcome in almost every country.

Initially, it sounded like a fantastic opportunity. They promised high visibility, SEO-focused content, and a spot in their top 5 list. All I had to do was pay a hefty fee. The email listed different price points for different spots, with a tempting discount for the No.1 spot if I acted quickly.

As I delved deeper, something felt off. The email seemed too generic, and the promises were too grandiose. I asked for more details, hoping to validate their claims. What I found was a web of misleading information and pay-to-play tactics designed to exploit eager content creators and businesses.

Frustrated by this blatant attempt to monetize false promises, I decided to channel my energy into something creative. Thus, "The TechTimes Spam Scam" was born. This song is my way of shedding light on the deceptive practices that plague our industry. It's a catchy, yet poignant anthem that calls out the scams and encourages others to be vigilant.

I hope this song resonates with you and serves as a reminder to always question too-good-to-be-true offers. Thank you for supporting me and for being part of the journey towards a more honest and transparent creative community.


I got an email, said it’s from TechTimes,
Promising me spotlight, in their digital lines,
Top 5, they said, in royalty-free stock,
All it takes is cash, it’s quite a shock.

They talked about reach, SEO dreams,
But something felt off, behind the screens,
Demographics, analytics, all seemed planned,
But the more they spoke, the less I could stand.

TechTimes, you're spamming my mind,
Selling fake dreams, oh, what a grind,
Pay to play, that's your game,
But we see through, we know your name,
Scammy schemes, wrapped up neat,
TechTimes, you're dancing on deceit.

They offered a discount, just for today,
$4,000 dollars, that’s the price to pay,
For the number one spot, in a list they create,
But it’s all just a ruse, a money-making bait.

Newsletter reach, and social media hype,
But it’s all for show, just another type,
Of trick and deceit, to pull you in,
TechTimes, your game is wearing thin.

TechTimes, you're spamming my mind,
Selling fake dreams, oh, what a grind,
Pay to play, that's your game,
But we see through, we know your name,
Scammy schemes, wrapped up neat,
TechTimes, you're dancing on deceit.

So here’s to the spammers, and their shady ploys,
We’ll spread the word, we’ll make some noise,
TechTimes, your scam is up, we’ve seen the light,
No more tricks, we’re ready to fight.
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