5 vor 12 by Sascha Ende

Følelsesladet klaver og strygere kombineres for at skabe en følelse af beslutsomhed.

5 vor 12
26.2k      2k    03:25
5 vor 12
Følelsesladet klaver og strygere kombineres for at skabe en følelse af beslutsomhed.
00:00 /  03:25
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Time is advancing and again the danger of a nuclear war is very high. Politicians are threatening each other, countries are arming themselves. This song should make you think about the danger.



3/4 early / mid 2000s 110bpm bbMajor

21 Tags

calm contemplative dreamy emotional ethereal feeling floating hopeful introspective melancholic passionate pensive reflective sentimental soft sorrowful soulful soundtrack tender thoughtful touching
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