They have taken Kursk by Sascha Ende

tema orchestrale trionfante con coro epico e crescendo percussivo. culmine vittorioso che inizia con ottoni e archi legato. finale vittorioso e valoroso. musica epica da trailer per un finale grandioso.

They have taken Kursk
tema orchestrale trionfante con coro epico e crescendo percussivo. culmine vittorioso che inizia con ottoni e archi legato. finale vittorioso e valoroso. musica epica da trailer per un finale grandioso.
00:00 /  02:12
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67 BPM
A powerful orchestral composition unfolds, driven by the commanding presence of horns and intense percussion. The music surges with the energy of advancing forces, capturing the tension and determination of a military operation. Each crescendo echoes the footsteps of soldiers, their resolve unyielding as they march toward their objective. This piece is a stirring portrayal of conflict, conveying both the strategic might and the emotional weight of war.



4/4 mid / late 2000s 67bpm gMajor

21 Tags

adventure courageous determined epic exciting forceful glorying hero heroic majestic mighty motivating powerful strong success triumphant upbeat uplifting valiant victory video game music
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