Climate Protesters On Vacation by Sascha Ende

Igraiva gledališka skladba s svetlo medenino in očarljivimi ženskimi vokali. Humoristično, lahkotno, rahlo retro vzdušje. Idealno za komedijo, animacijo ali nenavadne oglase.

Climate Protesters On Vacation
Igraiva gledališka skladba s svetlo medenino in očarljivimi ženskimi vokali. Humoristično, lahkotno, rahlo retro vzdušje. Idealno za komedijo, animacijo ali nenavadne oglase.
00:00 /  04:08
Klikni tukaj
  • 00:00 : Lively brass fanfare intro establishes the comedic tone.
  • 00:34 : Clear and theatrical female vocal melody enters.
  • 01:45 : Upbeat instrumental bridge highlighting the brass section's energy.
  • 02:40 : Tempo slows down slightly for a brief change of pace.
choir, male, female

Hit or Miss? Arti’s Review

Ta skladba ima izrazit gledališki čar in takoj spomni na klasične muzikale. Svetla medeninasta instrumentacija je izjemna in ustvarja igrivo ter rahlo retro vzdušje. Ženski vokali so jasni in privlačni ter se odlično ujemajo s stilom. Aranžma, ki je poln in energičen, bi lahko izboljšali s subtilno izpopolnitvijo za večjo jasnost; morda malo manj gostote v harmonijah na določenih točkah. Produkcijsko je funkcionalna, vendar bi bolj polirana mešanica in mastering povečala njeno privlačnost za industrijo, zlasti za sinhronizacijo licenc. Predstavljajte si širšo stereo sliko, globlje nizke tone in bolj gladke visoke tone – zasijala bi. Čustveno je lahkotna, humornah in subtilno ironična, zaradi česar je idealna za komične prizore, animacije ali nenavadne oglase. Manjše produkcijske spremembe bi lahko razširile njeno uporabnost v medijih. Je značilna, očarljiva skladba s potencialom za pravi projekt.

Additional Information

This song humorously highlights the irony of climate activists who block streets for the environment while jetting off on vacations. It contrasts their passionate protests with their indulgent travel habits, poking fun at their mixed messages.


[Verse 1]
The cat is purring, and it's quite absurd,
A carbon footprint, bigger than a bird.
Flights to Mallorca, don't seem so bad,
Compared to Whiskers, it's kinda sad.

Oh, the world's on fire, but don't you fret,
It's all in the name of the internet.
We tweet and we post, we march and we shout,
But when the summer hits, we fly right out.

[Verse 2]
Activists sit on the street, blockin' the way,
But come December, they're in Bangkok bay.
Fighting the good fight, in their own special way,
Vacation's calling, can't keep it at bay.

Oh, the world's on fire, but don't you fret,
It's all in the name of the internet.
We tweet and we post, we march and we shout,
But when the summer hits, we fly right out.

Drive electric cars, save the polar bears,
But those exotic trips, we can't compare.
Plastic straws are bad, but who really cares,
When sipping piña coladas in deck chairs?

[Verse 3]
Recycling bins are filled to the brim,
But our conscience is lighter, the chances are slim.
The earth keeps warming, but we stay cool,
Hypocrisy, thy name is April Fool.

Oh, the world's on fire, but don't you fret,
It's all in the name of the internet.
We tweet and we post, we march and we shout,
But when the summer hits, we fly right out.

So let’s toast to the planet, in our own little way,
We’ll fix it tomorrow, but first, let’s play.
The earth is our mother, we love her so dear,
As long as it’s sunny, and flights are still clear.
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