Brezplačna glasba s ključnimi besedami "tags.dynamic-shifts"
I have programmed a new AI and am currently working on modernizing and restructuring genres, topics, moods and tags. BPM will be replaced by “perceived speed”. Keys will be removed. The keyword search will also soon be extended to tags. There will also be an A.I. “Review” and a quality rating for each song. All music will soon be re-categorized. When I'm done with that, there will be new music again :)
Rezultati iskanja: Oznaka ":tag_id_title", Najbolj priljubljene vseh časov
Svetla in igriva orkestralna skladba, v kateri se prepletajo izrazita pihala in trobila, vzbujajoč občutek vesele pustolovščine in lahkotnega pripovedovanja zgodb. Idealna je za družinam prijazne vsebine, animacije ali kateri koli projekt, ki potrebuje pridih domiselne energije.
A vibrant, whimsical orchestral piece, perfect for evoking the playful energy of classic animation. This track blends lively xylophone melodies, dynamic brass sections, and quirky woodwind accents, delivering a cheerful and engaging listening experience.
Obsežno in evokativno orkestralno delo, ki združuje bogate aranžmaje godal z vzpenjajočimi se trobili in nežnimi pihali. Ustvarja veličastno in pustolovsko zvočno kuliso, popolno za fantazijska okolja in trenutke velikega odkritja.
Intenziven in napet filmski kos, ki ga poganja močna tolkala in dramatični orkestralni elementi. Ta skladba ustvarja vzdušje bližajočega se dogajanja in nevarnosti, idealno za prizore visoke napetosti in razburljivih zasledovanj.
A vibrant, quirky track that evokes the playful energy of classic silent film scores, featuring a lively clarinet melody, brass accents, and a whimsical piano accompaniment.
Očarljiva klavirska skladba, ki se razvija od blage introspekcije do presenetljivo energične in igrive zvočne pokrajine, ki kulminira v občutek čudenja in raziskovanja.
A playful, upbeat track that evokes the charm of early 20th-century silent films. Driven by a lively clarinet melody and accompanied by a whimsical piano, this piece creates a light, comedic atmosphere, perfect for scenes of playful antics and innocent fun.
A theatrical and narrative-driven piece, blending orchestral elements with a male operatic vocal performance. It evokes a sense of wonder, discovery, and divine intervention, suitable for dramatic storytelling and epic moments.
A whimsical and playful orchestral piece, featuring pizzicato strings, xylophone, and brass, creating a lighthearted and comedic atmosphere perfect for animation and family-friendly content.