Brezplačna glasba s ključnimi besedami "tags.fragile"
I have programmed a new AI and am currently working on modernizing and restructuring genres, topics, moods and tags. BPM will be replaced by “perceived speed”. Keys will be removed. The keyword search will also soon be extended to tags. There will also be an A.I. “Review” and a quality rating for each song. All music will soon be re-categorized. When I'm done with that, there will be new music again :)
Rezultati iskanja: Oznaka ":tag_id_title", Najbolj priljubljene vseh časov
A somber piano piece unfolds with a delicate, haunting melody, evoking a sense of mystery and quiet contemplation. Ideal for poignant film scenes, dramatic underscores, or reflective moments.
Zvočna kulisa, ki vzbuja občutek osamljenosti lepote in skrivnostne vznemirjenosti. Redke klavirske melodije se prepletajo z nežnimi elektronskimi teksturami, ustvarjajoč ozračje tihe napetosti in premišljevanja.
A delicate and emotionally resonant piano piece, featuring a gentle melody that evokes a sense of longing and reflection. Ideal for poignant moments and sentimental storytelling.
Delikatna in čustvena kompozicija, osnovana na klavirju, ki prepleta ganljivo pripoved z nežnimi godalskimi in pihalnimi inštrumenti. Kot nalašč za trenutke razmisleka, srčne prizore in nežno pripovedovanje zgodb.
A cinematic piano piece that builds gradually, blending delicate melodies with a growing sense of drama and hopeful resolution. Perfect for poignant film scenes, reflective moments, or stories of overcoming adversity.
A delicate piano melody unfolds over subtle ambient textures, creating a mood of gentle sadness and reflection. Ideal for poignant film scenes, heartfelt documentaries, or moments of quiet contemplation.
A delicate piano melody unfolds with a gentle, evolving arrangement, creating an atmosphere of quiet reflection and subtle anticipation. Well-suited for emotional scenes, documentaries, and romantic moments.
A solo piano piece that evokes a sense of gentle reflection and quiet hope. Its delicate melody and spacious arrangement create a peaceful, intimate atmosphere, ideal for moments of contemplation or tender emotional scenes.
An evocative ambient soundscape, featuring a blend of subtle synth pads, distant echoing tones, and a delicate, haunting piano melody. Ideal for creating a suspenseful and mysterious atmosphere, perfect for enhancing dramatic scenes or introspective moments.
A poignant duet featuring a solo cello and piano, weaving a tapestry of delicate melodies and emotional depth. Ideal for moments of reflection, intimacy, and heartfelt storytelling.
A whimsical yet subtly unsettling piece, featuring a delicate interplay of pizzicato strings, glockenspiel, and light percussion, creating a mood that evokes childhood innocence with a hint of underlying strangeness.
Nastop solo violončela ponuja globoko čustveno in izrazito doživetje. Ta skladba prinaša ganljivo, melanholično lepoto, idealno za refleksivne in dramatične prizore.
Ganljivo, eterično delo z nežnim klavirjem, prepletenim s čustvenimi ženskimi vokali. Razvijajoča se aranžma ustvarja občutek upanja in nežne odpornosti, ki je idealen za trenutke razmišljanja in čustvenega pripovedovanja.
Eterična zvočna pokrajina se odvije z nežnimi melodijami zvončkov, slojnimi subtilnimi pizzicato strunami in oddaljenim, čustvenim zborom, ki vzbujajo občutek čudenja in tihega razmisleka. Popolna za ganljive prizore in trenutke introspekcije.