Total Happy Up And Sunny by Sascha Ende

Total Happy Up And Sunny
How I produce music


A little story about this old song.

Task for me: Produce the most unimaginative and "calculated" song EVER. Goal: To prove that points 1-4 are no guarantee for success and that creativity is valued in an experimental sense.

1. take the most famous of all chord sequences, which always guarantees success: C - G - Am - F
2. use the instruments that appear in the most popular library songs Simple 4/4 beat, a bit of guitar, piano, xylophone, marimba, high strings, clapping, ...
3. repeat everything over and over again, no too much ups and downs, so you can use it as a continuous loop
4. use a title with lots of happy words, even if they don't make sense, "total" is always great because it enhances everything afterwards, "happy" stands for total happiness, "up" is always better than "down" and "sunny" is something people like because the sun is our life-giver.

The song was produced after about 3 hours and is still not out of the sales charts. Unfortunately I lost the bet against me. Sad realization until today: Conceptual music always sells better than experimental ventures.

So when I take a pile in the toilet in the morning, totally sleepy, it's more creative than this one song :)


116k      12k    905    03:11
A little story about this old song. Task for me: Produce the most unimaginative and "calculated" song EVER. Goal: To prove that points 1-4 are no guarantee for success and that creativity is valued in an experimental sense. 1. take the most famous of all chord sequences, which always guarantees...


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By EP!C TV      Sascha Ende      Total Happy Up And Sunny 8 months ago 12480 views
8 months ago
I laughed really hard reading the description. I kinda hate it too but my client picked this one out of like five songs :D . But I love the rest of your stuff :))
By Crafty Elf      Sascha Ende      Total Happy Up And Sunny one year ago 21982 views
one year ago
My guess as to the reason of it's popularity: boring and repetitive songs that are still good and upbeat are often very good for background music, which is what I'm using it for.
By The Mad Dogs      Sascha Ende      Total Happy Up And Sunny one year ago 23221 views
one year ago
You know, besides all the "musical tech stuff" it is just a simple & cool number that can be used in a huge variety of videos! Now go out and make more...
By TH@ ?H17      Sascha Ende      Total Happy Up And Sunny 2 years ago 28097 views
2 years ago
@SaschaEnde I don't believe the words art and contest should be used together.
By TH@ ?H17      Sascha Ende      Total Happy Up And Sunny 2 years ago 28057 views
2 years ago
@SaschaEnde I can totally empathize. I have learned that the public on average has average taste.
By TH@ ?H17      Sascha Ende      Total Happy Up And Sunny 2 years ago 28063 views
2 years ago
But congratulations for cracking the code
By TH@ ?H17      Sascha Ende      Total Happy Up And Sunny 2 years ago 28079 views
2 years ago
How depressing that your unimaginative and algorithmic song is also the most popular.